J. Cameron Mowatt
Senior Counsel, Tereposky & DeRose LLPJ. Cameron Mowatt is Senior Counsel to Tereposky & DeRose LLP. He has unparalleled experience as counsel to governments in investment treaty disputes, acting as counsel, intervenor and advisor in over 30 investment treaty arbitrations, including cases administered by the ICSID in Washington DC and ad hoc arbitrations under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules. He has acted as counsel to the Government of Mexico in all of its investor-state arbitrations since 1997, and as an external advisor to the Canadian government and State-owned entities on investment treaty matters. He has advised on the negotiation and implementation of bilateral and multilateral investment protection treaties and the application of international investment obligations to public-private partnerships, health services, telecom services and cultural industries. He has also advised private sector clients on how to structure their foreign direct investments to benefit from the protection accorded under investment treaties.
More information on Cam is available here.