Investor-State Law Guide

Find cases and related documents in the Disputes Library

Explore the largest public online document database related to investor-state disputes. Our advanced search tools allow you to obtain the records you need with speed and efficiency.

Simplified card-based browsing

View listings in a card format that gives you more information on each individual item at a glance.

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All documents and contextual information are publicly accessible free of charge.

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Easily refine results, and view disputes in isolation or in tandem with related documents.

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Find documents in the Treaty and Rules Library.

Thousands of applicable investment treaties and arbitration rules are publicly accessible. This user-friendly database connects you with all the legal instruments pertinent to your research.

See more detail in your results

Documents are presented in a card format for better visibility and allow you to delve into the details for each instrument.

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The library presents all treaties and rules in HTML so that you can easily browse and locate relevant provisions.

Sort results according to type

Filter your search by the type of treaty or rules, and easily link to all cases interpreting or applying the instrument.

Go to Treaties and Rules Library

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